Sunday, April 5, 2009

Child Soldiers

“In over twenty countries around the world, children are direct participants in war. Denied a childhood and often subjected to horrific violence, an estimated 200,000 to 300,000 children are serving as soldiers for both rebel groups and government forces in current armed conflicts.” Says Protocol I of the Geneva Conventions. Although countries in the U.S.A do not have children as soldiers, other countries still do. For example in China have children as soldiers. We, the people of the world need to change this as quickly as possible!

Things That May Happen and the answers

  • If this is not changed the death rate may increase because most of the children which could be the parents of tomorrow can die in an instant.

  • If we take them out of the armies and put them in schools for an education. Then they can get jobs and have children

  • Some children are put into rebel groups to be soldiers.

  • Compromise with all countries that have children as soldiers and if they are willing to compromise they can pass a law to make having a child as a soldier will be illegal.

  • The lives of children are being taken away.

  • Put posters up around your community and on the internet. The poster must say the consequences of child soldiers.

On this ocassion I plead honor to these kids writing this poem:

How many children must die?
Won’t they rather have a piece of pie?
Oh little one in the bush
Why are you here
There is an ambush!
Responded the little one
“Don’t you think you could die?”
Of course but a mean man made me join
Didn’t you try to fight it off?

Picture Credit: Growabrain